Dear Annie,

My wife and I look forward to your insights. Today, where bias seems to be a rule of thumb for most venturing to share their thoughts....the majority being in support of the 'the narrative' which sells a 'popular agenda' your insights give view to other ways of thinking.

The problem is that bias infects all unless the author is very careful to cite all possible positions. That can become tedious as many positions lack reasonable credibility. What do you and do you not include? I think the answer is balance, one credible opinion balancing an opposite opinion, giving the reader opportunity to weigh both and thus arrive at a conclusion. And yes, you hit the nail on the head when you bring common sense into the mix as that is likely to be the one tool needed to discover truth.

Thank you very much.

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This is wonderful! Could I use this as a guest post on my blog? I am not exactly sure how to credit it ...Should I just use your substack.com address?

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Thank you, Bonnie! Yes, you may republish, just add a note at the end that links to the post (https://annieholmquist.substack.com/p/common-sense-is-the-best-antidote) and explains that it was originally published at Annie's Attic.

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