I found you by reading this lovely article with its accompanying artwork and photos in my hard copy of The Epoch Times. Your observations and their meaning bring tears to my eyes. I am going to have my teenage son read it, too. Thank you.

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Aw, thank you, Lisa! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed it. And I agree! The ET artwork is always very lovely--so peaceful and restful.

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We DO have so many things to be grateful for! Those blessings should be on top of our priorities all the time!

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I am more than a little confused by your matrix existence! The sounds of freedom, really? You are apparently blissfully unaware of the reality of our situation. Sorry but I am not buying your delusion. You have much research to do my dear.

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Sometimes it's the over-awareness of the difficulties we face as a nation that makes us look around and be grateful for the little we have while we still have it. ;-)

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So true. We must savor the good while we work to improve the concerning circumstances we find ourselves in.

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